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Product information

Sodium monochloroacetate(Hazards)

1.Summary of hazards

GHS classification:
Physical and chemical hazards
Not classifiable
Acute toxicity (oral) Category 4
Acute toxicity (dermal) Category 5
Acute toxicity (inhalation/vapor) Not subject of classification
Acute toxicity (inhalation/mist) Not classifiable
Skin corrosivity and irritancy Not classified
Serious eye injury and eye irritation Category2B
Respiratory sensitization Not classifiable
Skin sensitization Not classifiable
Germ cell mutagenicity Not classifiable
Carcinogenicity Not classifiable
Reproductive toxicity Category 2
Specific target organ and systemic toxicity
(single exposure)
Category 2 (central nervous system, heart, and kidney)
Category 3 (airway irritability)
Specific target organ and systemic toxicity
(repeated exposure)
Category 2 (liver and kidney)
Aspiration hazards Not classifiable
Aquatic environmental hazard (acute) Not classified
Aquatic environmental hazard (chronic) Not classified

GHS label elements

ySignal wordz Warning

Hazards identification

  • Harmful when ingested
  • Risk of harm when it contacts the skin
  • Skin irritation
  • Eye irritation
  • Suspected risk for adverse effects on reproductive potential and fetus
  • Risk of disorders of organs (central nervous system, heart, and kidney)
  • Risk for disorders due to long-term or repeated exposures (liver and kidney)
  • High toxicity to aquatic life

Precautionary statements

Hazards Classification Precautionary statements
Acute toxicity
- oral
4 Precautionary measures Measures
Do not eat, drink, or smoke while using this product Wash your hands well after handling this product. Ingestion: Immediately contact a physician.
If an emergency administration of antidote is necessary, emergency special treatment is required.
(Refer to the supplemental first aid instructions on this label.)
Storage Disposal
Store in a locked place. Dispose of the contents and containers according to the international, Japanese government, prefectural, and municipal regulations.
Acute toxicity
- dermal
5 - Measures
  If the person does not feel well, contact a physician.
Serious eye injury
and eye irritation
2B - Measures
Eye contact Wash your eyes thoroughly with water for several minutes.
For a contact lens wearer, remove the lens if they can be removed easily. Then continue washing the eyes with water.
If eye irritation continues, seek medical care from a physician.
Wash your hands well after handling this product.
Reproductive toxicity 2 Precautionary measures Measures
Obtain handling instructions before use of this product. Do not handle the product until you read and understand all safety precautions.
Avoid contact with this product while pregnant or breast-feeding.
Do not eat, drink, or smoke while using this product.
Wash your hands well after handling the product.
Do not inhale dust, smoke, gas, mist, vapor, or spray.
In case of exposure or concern for exposure: Seek medical care from a physician.
- Disposal
Dispose of the contents and containers according to the international, Japanese government, prefectural, and municipal regulations.
Specific target organ
and systemic toxicity
(single exposure)
Precautionary measures Measures
Do not eat, drink, or smoke while using this product.
Wash your hands well after handling this product.
Do not inhale dust, smoke, gas, mist, vapor, or spray.
In case of exposure or if the person does not feel well: Contact a physician.
Inhalation, Move the patient to an area with fresh air, allow him/her to rest quietly in a position that facilitates breathing.
Storage Disposal
Store in a locked place.
If this product produces hazardous vapor because of its volatility, then seal the container airtight and store it in a place with good ventilation.
Dispose of the contents and containers according to the international, Japanese government, prefectural, and municipal regulations.
Specific target organ
and systemic toxicity
(repeated exposure)
2 Precautionary measures Measures
Do not inhale dust, smoke, gas, mist, vapor, or spray. If the person does not feel well, seek medical care from a physician.
- Disposal
  Dispose of the contents and containers according to the international, Japanese government, prefectural, and municipal regulations.

Summary of other hazards not applicable to GHS, important signs, and potential state of emergency

Most important hazardsF

acutely toxic substance


  1. When the substance contacts the skin, it is highly irritating and corrosive to the skin.
  2. When the substance contacts the eyes, it is very irritating to the cornea and causes inflammation.
  3. When the substance is inhaled, it is highly invasive to the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, and bronchi.

Specific hazardsc

Skin irritancy

Country/local informationF

Acutely toxic substance

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